Bryan and Chris are one of the most impressive couples we've come across to date. Their relationship, spanning eight years and several states, is a true testament to their unending love for one another.
Their story starts years before our paths crossed, way back to the days spent dreaming of such a day as this. A day where they are surrounded by over 150 of the people they care about most. A day where all of the years of planning, daydreaming, and hard work cumulate into a ceremony of promises. Vows to each other to continue to be a support system, continually working to achieve the other's goals. Promises made to constantly push each other to be the best versions of themselves.
If you've seen their engagement photos then you will know that Bryan and Chris are anything but conventional. They both love to grab life by the horns and find enjoyment in every detail of their lives and relationship with one another. The attention to detail and creating and reliving their countless memories with each other were very evident throughout their entire wedding day. From artistic recreations of some of the most important events of their relationship up until the wedding, to getting ready in Bryan's INSANELY impressive childhood historic Boulevard home, to the best exchange of vows I've ever heard, we truly felt as if we had known them for much longer than we actually had.
I hope that you all find as much joy in these photographs as Halie and I did in being a part of this day. They truly are going to make huge changes in the world, and I would be on the lookout for these two if I were you.
Here's to forever being silly while simultaneously being two of the most convicted and determined humans I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Also, as you view these photos, make sure you're listening to the song that Chris wrote when he proposed to her.
Special thanks to Kristin Karch for second shooting while Alec shot video!

Bryan chose one of my favorite songs from middle school for her bouquet toss. PLAY IT!